
Living Your Best Life With Astigmatism 


 Living Your Best Life With Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a ‘chunky’ word that everyone’s heard mentioned, but few have any clear idea what it really is. Unfortunately, it is often accompanied by a feeling of ocular self-pity and uncertainty. The truth is, Astigmatism is a condition many face head on every day, thriving in normal lives. And is easily managed – once detected! The key is detection and diagnosis. We live in a time where information and medical self-diagnosis have become widely accepted. Proactive, paid medical evaluations are rare, especially when you’re an adult and there’s no parent to hold your hand and forcibly carry you (apart from yourself). If you’re a parent, partner or an adult of any age reading this we’re gently nudging you to do everything you can to protect and optimize your vision.

Let’s start by simplifying the condition. Astigmatism is simply blurred vision both near and far. It’s not the same as being near or far sighted and it can coexist with other eye conditions. Contrary to popular belief, it is not caused from too much screentime or other vision-related bad habits but rather from an irregular shaped cornea or lens- neither of which you have any control over. While medical researchers are still trying to determine what exactly causes corneal and lens defects, we can help you reduce your day-to-day Astigmatism so that you forget you even have it.

Clarity begins with you!

Once treated with your personalized refractive prescription, you’ll discover that your day-to-day discomforts will disappear:  Blurriness with vanish as your vision becomes crisper in the day and night. You will also squint less, your eyes slowly opening wider as you become more accustomed to the comfort of seeing sharply (and without headaches). When it comes to vision most irregularities are painless and unfortunately go undetected, showing up only when it is too late.

If you suspect you may suffer from astigmatism, the easiest way to know for sure is to schedule an eye test with any of our Courts Optical eye care specialists. Make an appointment today. 

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