As we all try to come to terms with the impact of C0VID-19 on our community, the Unicomer Group is committed to the safety and well-being of our staff, customers, business partners and communities. Like all of you, we are very concerned about the rapid spread of the virus and we have implemented several measures to ensure a safer environment at our stores and offices.
Firstly, we have asked staff, customers and/or visitors who are feeling unwell, showing flu like symptoms or have been in any way compromised by exposure to someone with the virus, to refrain from coming into our stores or offices. This is being done to safeguard the individual as well as our other staff members and/or customers.
Secondly, we have ramped up our cleaning protocol. Even though we always maintain a very clean environment, we have increased the frequency of cleaning in common areas of offices and our stores, including the products, door handles, desks, customer service counters and other areas that are frequently touched.
Thirdly, all of our delivery personnel and service technicians are practicing the prescribed hygiene protocol at all times, thereby minimizing the risk of infection to themselves or to our customers.
At this time, all of the stores in our chains remain open and we are ready to serve you. We wish to assure you that you can approach our stores with confidence as we are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of our customers and employees.
We also recognize that some of you may choose to shop from home. We welcome you to do so either through our call center at 448 7655 or www.shopcourts.com. Our customer service support teams are ready to serve you and are on hand to answer any questions you may have and assist you with your purchases.
Over the next few weeks, we will embark on several initiatives aimed at providing more support to our customers. Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to serving you again soon at one of our locations.
Unicomer Group